
Saturday, July 16, 2011

That First Project

Does your first project, perhaps a real labor of love, make you feel like you're riding the train in the picture?

I have been working on my first book for nigh on two and a half years, during which time I have gone through two complete drafts, three full-length proof-reads (not an easy feat when your book is over 100,000 words in length - and no, it's not because I'm trying to show off, it is that long because there was an epic story to tell), five short stories and a long process of trial and error with Query Letters, critiques and plain old fashioned objective self-analysis to reach a point where I can say...

Maybe that first work doesn't have to be a disaster!

I love my first novel. I believe in the potential it holds. Don't get me wrong, I'm not some diva writer who thinks his work is the best in the world. I know my work will not make it onto paper perfect, ready to become an instant worldwide best-seller (though I don't mind the odd daydream of such an achievement. Man, that Aston Martin looks good from the driver's seat...) overnight.

But what drives me to look deep into my work and pick out areas that need improvement, to polish and polish and polish until it shines brighter than the sun, is that belief in my work's potential.

It CAN be 'that' good. But there's a lot of work to be done before it reaches that stage, even after initial completion.

NOTHING is a final copy until it hits the shelves of bookstores near you.

In other news, regular scheduled programming has taken an unusual turn the last two weeks. There is no real reason for this unless I was to cite the focus I was putting on Query Letter improvements. A good thing about this lull is that it's given me a chance to do something of a 'scheduled program' for this little 'ole blog.

If anything, it'll help save me from the jaws of Procrastinosaurus, the horrible, evil cousin of T-Rex who was too disturbing (and disturbED) to make it past the editing stage of the movie 'Jurassic Park'.

So - this be the programme:

Mondays - 'This Week in Sci-Fi'

Wednesdays - 'Delinquent Dev-log', what work have I done this week?

In between the above: Posts about writing from the POV of me.

Have a great Saturday all!

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