
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Day the Sun Stopped Shining

Sorry everyone for not posting on here for a while. Hopefully what I'm about to share will help explain why.

In my long and fascinating journey of learning the Publishing Industry I have come across some awesome blogs written by Agents, Editors and fellow writers, all of which offer some great advice and insights in what it takes to 'make it' in such a competitive world. There is one are in particular that all seem to agree on as important:

The need to prove you can build an audience.

With that in mind I slunk into my bat-cave and got the cogs in my head turning. How do I go about creating an audience? What can I do that others may not be?

Then it hit me - more like a brick wall than a glowing light bulb in the air, sadly. It was so simple! As the runner of an online RPG group I couldn't believe I hadn't thought of this sooner!

I'd make a Web Fiction series. I had a short story which had far greater potential as a Novel anyway, I could easily expand that and post it up chapter by chapter.

And so, the adventures of Cory Wilson in 'The Day the Sun Stopped Shining' was born.

Working on that has been both hard and extremely rewarding. Already I have a glowing review HERE and people dying to read what happens next!

Exciting times! If you'd like to check it out, click on the graphic below.

I hope you enjoy it!

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